Are you looking to expand your RTO’s scope of training? It can be a complex and time-consuming process. I’ve been through it myself and I know how challenging it can be.
So, how does the scope expansion process work? What evidence is required from the training package? And what are the steps for applying for a change of scope?
In this article, I’ll share my experiences and insights on these topics. I’ll also cover assessment tools and strategies, the equivalence of training products, updates to the national training register, compliance with standards for RTOs, and the CRICOS application process.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the scope expansion process, or if you’re just looking for some tips and advice, keep reading. I’ve been there, and I’m here to help.
Scope expansion process
Expanding the scope of registration for a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) involves several key steps. First, the RTO needs to identify the qualifications or units of competency they wish to add to their scope. Once this is determined, they must ensure that they have the necessary resources, facilities, and trainers with the required qualifications to deliver the training.
Next, the RTO needs to conduct a thorough review of the relevant training package requirements to ensure they understand the specific evidence and compliance requirements. This may involve consulting with industry stakeholders and experts to ensure that the proposed addition to the scope aligns with industry needs and standards.
Finally, the RTO must submit an application to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) for the addition to their scope of registration. This application will be assessed by ASQA to ensure that the RTO meets all the necessary requirements for the proposed scope expansion.